Who and What I am?
Who am I? Where do I come from? Where I am going? ...Before I was born, all that I see around me was already here, I am nothing without God, and through him I am all that I am.
And now, my mom gave me birth and name. I am Ivy E. Pelaez, 18 yrs old. I was born in province of Bicol on April 14, 1990. My parents and my siblings were living in Bicol. I’m just here in Manila to finish my studying to fulfill my dreams, to help my family and to have a successful career.
But……Again, do I really know who I am? Do I know my talents, skills, and potentials? Do I also know my limitations?
It has often been said that before I set a direction for my life, before I attain success, I must first know myself. Why is knowledge of self so important to success?
But the point is, there’s a lot of challenges that I don’t like to encounter because I’m not brave enough to face challenges, I know that my days are not all sunny. I have rainy days, too. Indeed, there are days filled with smiles and laughter and there are sad days. These are facts of life that I should know so I can look at the world without illusions but with hope.
Now, I realized that I’m living with a purpose just to think of it a life without a plan is like a withered leaf. It lacks direction, blows wherever the wind blows it. On the other hand, a life with a plan is like a river. It goes through its course and flows out the sea……..I don’t know if where I belong if like a river or like a withered leaf? ......Do I have a plan for myself? Do I know where I am going? What do I want to be? Is my life worthwhile? ..........If I make up my mind to plan my life and if I work daily at my personal improvement, I will find the secret of making my life worthwhile. I also learn that it is not money, fame or power but joy in life, gracious manners, helpfulness and nobility of conduct that are the real measures of a person.
……But when we talk about to my enemies I find it difficult, sometimes, But I’d
like to forgive someone who has done wrong with me. How much more difficult it is to love an enemy and pray for him or her. But it is through forgiving and being forgiven that we can help to build bridges.
I do not live alone. There are people and things around me. They need me and I need them, too. The sooner I realized this the earlier I can find ways to understand others.
………But, honestly to say that I’m not kind of person that independent and I’m not matured enough because the wonder and excitement of childhood may still be in me, but my awareness of the more serious and challenging aspects of life increase as I read, hear stories or observe day to day happenings around me. Soon I will discover the need to work and use the time wisely in order to survive in this fast-moving world. I will realize the importance of observing correct behavior and tolerance in relating with others if I want to be accepted. So as not to lose my identity I need to make my own decision. Indeed, the adjustments I have to make are not only economic and intellectual but also emotional and social. This is part of growing up.
Finally, that’s me….You will learn from me because I have a lots of theory to myself. I want to live without problems and I try to be happy always and when I have a lots of problem the best thing that I will do is to laugh…and I know that God is always beside me to solve those problems. Lastly, before I forgot to say that, I Put God first in everything I do.
This is what I am to serve God and then? What is the prize? My homeland, paradise of beautiful, that is my goal, there is my peace and my joy.
Who am I? Where do I come from? Where I am going? ...Before I was born, all that I see around me was already here, I am nothing without God, and through him I am all that I am.
And now, my mom gave me birth and name. I am Ivy E. Pelaez, 18 yrs old. I was born in province of Bicol on April 14, 1990. My parents and my siblings were living in Bicol. I’m just here in Manila to finish my studying to fulfill my dreams, to help my family and to have a successful career.
But……Again, do I really know who I am? Do I know my talents, skills, and potentials? Do I also know my limitations?
It has often been said that before I set a direction for my life, before I attain success, I must first know myself. Why is knowledge of self so important to success?
But the point is, there’s a lot of challenges that I don’t like to encounter because I’m not brave enough to face challenges, I know that my days are not all sunny. I have rainy days, too. Indeed, there are days filled with smiles and laughter and there are sad days. These are facts of life that I should know so I can look at the world without illusions but with hope.
Now, I realized that I’m living with a purpose just to think of it a life without a plan is like a withered leaf. It lacks direction, blows wherever the wind blows it. On the other hand, a life with a plan is like a river. It goes through its course and flows out the sea……..I don’t know if where I belong if like a river or like a withered leaf? ......Do I have a plan for myself? Do I know where I am going? What do I want to be? Is my life worthwhile? ..........If I make up my mind to plan my life and if I work daily at my personal improvement, I will find the secret of making my life worthwhile. I also learn that it is not money, fame or power but joy in life, gracious manners, helpfulness and nobility of conduct that are the real measures of a person.
……But when we talk about to my enemies I find it difficult, sometimes, But I’d
like to forgive someone who has done wrong with me. How much more difficult it is to love an enemy and pray for him or her. But it is through forgiving and being forgiven that we can help to build bridges.
I do not live alone. There are people and things around me. They need me and I need them, too. The sooner I realized this the earlier I can find ways to understand others.
………But, honestly to say that I’m not kind of person that independent and I’m not matured enough because the wonder and excitement of childhood may still be in me, but my awareness of the more serious and challenging aspects of life increase as I read, hear stories or observe day to day happenings around me. Soon I will discover the need to work and use the time wisely in order to survive in this fast-moving world. I will realize the importance of observing correct behavior and tolerance in relating with others if I want to be accepted. So as not to lose my identity I need to make my own decision. Indeed, the adjustments I have to make are not only economic and intellectual but also emotional and social. This is part of growing up.
Finally, that’s me….You will learn from me because I have a lots of theory to myself. I want to live without problems and I try to be happy always and when I have a lots of problem the best thing that I will do is to laugh…and I know that God is always beside me to solve those problems. Lastly, before I forgot to say that, I Put God first in everything I do.
This is what I am to serve God and then? What is the prize? My homeland, paradise of beautiful, that is my goal, there is my peace and my joy.