For My Friend
Moment’s I’ll never forget
Like the first time you and I met
On the third floor “c” I went
Just to visit a dear fiend.
There you stood by the door
I couldn’t help but adore
Stunned by your beauty that pours
Since then you haunt me till four.
Our next meeting was unexpected
A lunch on my calendar was dated
Eating wasn’t an option needed
Seeing you was all I pleaded.
As you smile you’ll hear my sighs
‘Cause I see all my dreams pass by
When a friend asked you to say hi
You called my name”Oh! I could die!?”
Around you I may act like a fool
‘Cause with you I can’t keep my cool
But then again you broke my rule
You made me love going to school!
Problems of a Teenager
There will come a time when the young people grow into teenagers. They will encounter many problems when they enter this stage in life. One problem is that we seem to like our friends more than our parents. This may result in a conflict bet you and your parents. Sometimes, we’ll disobey our parent’s commands just for the sake of our friends. And if by chance, your friends are not true friends, you may end up having a life full of miseries and sufferings.
Many teenagers have this kind of behavior. I myself am one of them. Sometimes, I like being with my friends more rather than being with my parents. But these friends of mine are a true friend that is why in joy and in sorrow, we are together.
I asked them once about their opinion in smoking and they said that they hate it. They would even tell their parents to stop smoking because they, the children, might end up like their parents.
My mother scolded me once for going home late. They told me to be careful in choosing your friends because you might become one of the teenagers who have lost guidance. Because of this, I avoided my former friends and found the right ones just last vacation.
So, whenever you become a teenager, don’t be surprised that you’ll have these attitudes. They come naturally and they can’t be avoided. But you can solve them by strengthening your faith in God and asking guidance from you most important friends in life, you parents.
Forgiveness for Every Sin
The first seven years of Ana’s life were joyful. She was living a normal family life until one night those happy moments were shatter when she heard her parents would take care of them especially when they were sick. She would run to her whenever she had problems.
While she was in elementary years, fear and anxiety dominated her whole being. Fear that her classmates would find out that she came from a broken home and so would not accept her and anxiety over falling out of grace from her mom, whom she had depended on for everything.
Feeling hopeless and helpless about her life situation, she had developed a pattern of allowing negative feelings to dominate my thinking and behavior. Her life was filled with an accumulation of unresolved anger, the fear of rejection, and the pain coming from a dysfunctional family. Since she felt unable to express her feelings, she simply buried them as entered high school. She tried to hide her pain and insecurity by pretending to be assertive and self-confident. She enjoyed the thrill of hitch-hiking, shoplifting or cutting classes the few pranks her group got into. One of the dangerous mischiefs her friends and she would do then was delving in the occult. On Tuesdays and Fridays, especially when the moon was round, they would get together and play the spirit of the glass. They would first recite the Our Father backwards and call on the spirits of the dead. They thought of it only as a game then, but now I know better.
She realized now, that she never has exposed herself to unclean spirits. As she looks back on the events that followed, she realized that the evil one took control of her life.
At 16, she got pregnant with a boy her age. She wanted to graduate together with her group mates, thus she agreed to have the baby aborted. Upon graduation, she broke up with his boyfriend and started with drugs until her mom caught her. With her uncle’s suggestion, she was placed in a rehabilitation center. She hated her mom for it, she remember shouting angrily.
Ana stay at the rehab was short because she discovered way out. She requested for a medical check up and findings show that she was once again pregnant. Who fathered the child, was not sure. This time she realizes that she wanted to have a family of her own and willing to submit to whatever her boyfriend would require. She was also afraid that God would punish her for having two abortions.
She married a guy who gave her the comfort she needed that time. She was shocked when she caught him trying to suffocate my baby to death with a pillow just because the baby would not stop crying. She met his violence with her own kind of force, and from that moment on, they were never at peace. Her mother suggested that they seek the annulment of their marriage which was finally granted after 4 years.
Feeling so frustrated, broken, desperate, and useless she thought of ending her life and her daughter’s life. As she lifting the knife, she saw her daughter crying silently, holding back her tears. She cried out with pity for her. She snapped back to her senses, put down the knife, embraced her daughter and prayed to God.
She realized that the evil one attacks them in their weakest areas. She had fallen into complacency, thinking that she had already been freed of their weakness. She forgot that they can only be strong if they consciously cling to Christ and labor to follow his righteousness. She forgot that all human love must be yielded to the law of Christ’s own love-one that demands fidelity to His commands.
Her baby girl, who is God’s gift to her, just turned three years old. She is a reminder of how weak they are without Christ. She is the grace that has risen from the wrong. She is very thankful with God for sustaining presence during the crucial stage of life. The stress and rejection her baby must have felt while in her womb is now being healed by the love of Jesus.